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How To Make A Website Mobile Friendly

Hello There, Hope you are doing awesome! Today I am gonna tell you how to make a website Mobile Friendly in the Seven easiest ways. Before I begin let me tell you why is it necessary?

As we all know, in this busy world no one has that much time to sit on a laptop or computer all the time to check any information as we all have Smartphones. Which is quite capable of doing anything whether it’s related to uploading, downloading, reading, or else. Everything can be done on your mobile phone easily. That’s why every website holder wants to make its website mobile-friendly so that users won’t face any trouble while using it.

Is My Website Already Mobile Friendly?

Once you are done with your website and want to know if your website is a mobile-friendly one then google gives you a free link Mobile-Friendly Test – Google Search Console. Where you check the pages you want to know are mobile-friendly or not along with a screenshot of how the page looks on a smartphone screen and a list of recommendations to make the mobile experience better. 

How To Make A Website Mobile Friendly - Google Mobile Friendly Tool

As you can see in the above image that this specific website page needs some improvement to make it mobile-friendly so that it should be treated as a top priority for Google search.

Responsive Website Theme

Once you are done with your domain and hosting the first thing which comes on screen is to select a theme. Which is an essential part to make your website mobile-friendly. The theme must be a mobile-friendly one otherwise users may not be able to read your content because of Text too small to read, Clickable elements too close together, or Content wider than the screen.

You can go through WordPress Blog Themes – 8 Best Free Mobile Friendly, where you find a couple of the finest free WordPress blog themes that you can use on your site without any hesitation.

Use Large Font Sizes

Most of the new website users aren’t aware of the font size they are using for their content. Before you are about to hit your first blog, make sure your font size shouldn’t be too small, keep it at least up to 18pt to 20pt, and heading up to 24pt.

Always go for a bigger font size because you don’t want your blog visitors to squint while reading that’s why I have mentioned the ideal size of the content font. Use text that’s readable without tapping twice on a mobile screen. One more thing, which you need to remember that some fonts are easier or harder to read at different sizes, so be sure you check the readability of your font before you’re done with your updates.

To Make A Website Mobile Friendly – Don’t Use Flash

Yes, you read it correctly! Flash basically used to create animations, but generally, it isn’t supported by mobile devices. This also slows down a page’s load time because sometimes most of the Intenet browsers don’t support it, so it’s best to avoid it right away. In a nutshell, simple websites load faster and have higher conversion rates. The best way to keep your page loading time as low as possible without making its design complicated.

How To Make A Website Mobile Friendly - Don’t Use Flash

So if you build a website that contains unnecessary heavy images or flash animation then there might be chances that your mobile users will be no longer because that cheezy page won’t display properly on their mobile screen. 

Use Essential Plugins Only

Maybe you don’t believe this, but using unnecessary plugins makes your website slow which can lead to losing your people. To prevent it, I’ll advise you to avoid using useless plugins because as low as plugins you will use, will make your website faster and user-friendly. Useless plugins make your website slow, and some changes may ruin it completely as you can’t catch them easily sometimes.

For a beginner, these plugins will be useful for your new website anyway. The few most vital plugins will make your website more attractive and secure from dangerous Spammers and Hackers.

Don’t Block JavaScript, CSS, or Image Files

Make sure you are not blocking JavaScript, CSS, or image files as this may result in the poorest & lowest rankings for your mobile as well as your desktop site. Most of us ignore it but it is used widely across the world along with the CSS and image files. These are the backbones of a responsive, mobile-friendly site. And you’re preventing Google to check if your website works properly because you are gonna block CSS and JS files in your robots. txt file, where Google can’t recognize your website like purposed.

Website Mobile Friendly By Eliminate Pop-ups

It actually for those who just created a fresh website and start applying everything that they see on other’s websites. See, for a newbie, it’s no use of using pop-ups because nobody likes them in any context, but when you’re trying to read text on a small screen and a big ad or pop-up blocks your view of the page, it’s extra annoying, ISN’T?

Desktop users may close the pop-up and start reading your content but a mobile user will not like it at all as the problem with pop-ups on mobile devices is they become even more of an obstacle because they are so difficult to close. This can completely ruin the user experience on mobile devices, so It’s better to remove all those pop-ups and try to come up with other ways to promote whatever your pop-up is advertising for.

Perform Mobile Testing Regularly

Last but not least, test your website that how mobile-friendly it is. For better practice, test it regularly because the more you check the more you will get to know! This will help you to catch small issues that create a worse experience for your users. The faster you notice them, the sooner you can fix your website to deliver a truly mobile-friendly experience.

accept, yes, checkmark

I hope these points will help you to make your website mobile-friendly. If you have any other major point in your mind which I just missed here, feel free to mention it in the comment box so that I can update it accordingly. You may also check out these helpful bogs;

How to Start a Blog

How To Write SEO Friendly Blog Posts

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